
Melaleuca elliptica

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Melaleuca elliptica - granite bottlebrush
Image: Stirton, Charles - NBGW
Common name: granite bottlebrush
Family: Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Distribution: Australia (Western)
Life form: Evergreen shrub/sub-shrub • Llwyn bytholwyrdd
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Melaleuca (me-luh-LOO-kuh): From Greek melas- (black) and -leukos (white), often have black trunks and white branches of some species or the colour of the bark.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: elliptica (ee-LIP-tih-kuh): Elliptical, about twice as long as wide.
Description: A shrub to 4m high with papery bark. Red bottlebrush like flowers occur winter and Spring through to mid Summer.


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