
Amorphophallus titanum

Common name: titan arum
Family: Araceae (Arum)
Distribution: Sumatra
Habitat: Forest
IUCN Red list: Endangered
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber) • Geoffyt (bwlb, cormau neu cloronen)
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Amorphophallus (a-mor-fo-FAL-us): Deformed-phallus, referring to the shape of the prominent spadix.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: titanum: Of the Titans, massive, gigantic, very large.
Description: Solitary inflorescence with leaf-like structure (spathe) surrounding a fleshy spike (spadix). Spathe approx. 3 metres in circumference, pale green and spotted white on outside, rich dark crimson colour on inside. Spadix up to 2 metres tall, dull yellow colour, hollow and expanded at base. Solitary leaf produced after flower, can exceed 4 metres wide. Leaf stalk (petiole) pale green spotted with white. The flower emits the smell of rotting flesh to attract pollinators.


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