
Calendula officinalis

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Calendula officinalis - melyn Mair, common marigold, Jack-on-horseback, pot marigold, Scotch marigold
Image: Danford, Mike - NBGW
Common name: melyn Mair, common marigold, Jack-on-horseback, pot marigold, Scotch marigold
Family: Asteraceae
Distribution: Spain
Hardiness: (H5) Hardy-cold winter. -15 to -10°C (USDA 7b/8a)
Life form: Annual plant • Blynyddol
Usage: Edible
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Calendula (ka-LEN-dew-luh): From the Latin calendae (first day of the month), referring to its long flowering season.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: officinalis (oh-fiss-ih-NAH-liss): Sold in shops, hence denoting a useful plant (vegetable, culinary or medicinal herb).
Description: A fast growing annual or biennial with aromatic leaves and heads of vivid orange daisy-like flowers, borne in long succession in the summer and autumn until the first hard frosts.
Links: Royal Horticultural Society


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