
Jasminum azoricum

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Jasminum azoricum - white Azorean jasmine
Image: Moore, Dawn - NBGW
Common name: white Azorean jasmine
Family: Oleaceae (Olive)
Distribution: Madeira
Habitat: Shrubland
IUCN Red list: Critically Endangered
Hardiness: (H2) Tender-cool or frost free glasshouse 1 to 5°C (USDA 10b)
Life form: Evergreen shrub/sub-shrub • Llwyn bytholwyrdd
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Jasminum (JAZ-mih-num): Latinized from the Persian name, yasemin, Arabic, yasamin, for perfumed plants.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: azoricum (uh-ZOR-ih-kum): From the Azores Islands, mid-Atlantic.
Dyfarniadau / Awards: RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Description: A twining or scrambling shrub to 3 metres or more, with dark green leaves composed of three wavy-edged, ovate leaflets, and fragrant white flowers 2.5 centimetres across, in terminal panicles.
Links: Royal Horticultural Society


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