
Ornithogalum candicans

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Ornithogalum candicans - summer hyacinth, spire lily, berg lily, Cape hyacinth, berglelie, Kaapse hiasint
Image: Little, Daryll - NBGW
Common name: summer hyacinth, spire lily, berg lily, Cape hyacinth, berglelie, Kaapse hiasint
Family: Asparagaceae
Synonym: Galtonia candicans
Distribution: Southern Africa
Hardiness: (H4) Hardy-average winter -10 to -5°C (USDA 8b/9a)
Life form: Geophyte (bulb, corm or tuber) • Geoffyt (bwlb, cormau neu cloronen)
Usage: Ornamental
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Ornithogalum (or-ni-THOG-al-um): Greek; ornis- (bird) and -gala (milk), thought to be related to the white colour of the flowers. Or a Greek proverb mentioned that rare things are as unobtainable as bird's milk.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: candicans (KAN-dee-kans): White, hoary-white, with white woolly hair.
Description: Forms a clump of strap-shaped leaves (60-90 centimetres long). Fragrant, creamy white, funnel-shaped flowers somewhat reminiscent of gladiolus appear in spikes atop erect flowering stems growing 60-120 centimetres tall. Flowers are often tinged with green. Blooms late summer.
Links: PlantZAfrica


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