
Dicksonia antarctica

Common name: Coedredynen Awstralia, Soft Tree Fern, Australian Tree Fern, Tasmanian Tree Fern, Woolly Tree Fern
Family: Dicksoniaceae
Distribution: Australia, Tasmania
Hardiness: (H3) Half-hardy. Unheated glasshouse/mild winter 1 to -5°C (USDA 9b/10a)
Life form: Fern • Rhedynen
Usage: Ornamental
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Dicksonia (dik-so-nee-uh): Named for James Dickson (1738–1822), a Scottish nurseryman and naturalist.
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: antarctica (ant-ARK-tee-kuh): Of or from the Antarctic region.
Description: An evergreen tree fern, but deciduous in colder areas, growing slowly to 4 metres in height, with a stout reddish-brown stem and a terminal rosette of arching, deeply divided, glossy dark green fronds to 3 metres in length.


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