
Genista stenopetala

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Genista stenopetala - Madeira broom, Easter broom, leafy broom, sweet broom
Image: Stirton, Charles - NBGW
Common name: Madeira broom, Easter broom, leafy broom, sweet broom
Family: Fabaceae subfam. Faboideae
Synonym: Teline stenopetala
Distribution: Canary Islands, Cape Verde
Life form: Evergreen shrub/sub-shrub • Llwyn bytholwyrdd
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: Genista (jih-NIS-tuh): Latin name from which the Plantagenet kings and queens of England took their name (planta genesta).
Geirdarddiad / Etymology: stenopetala (sten-oh-PET-al-uh): From the Greek stenos- (narrow) and -petalum (petal).
Description: An evergreen shrub growing to 3 metres tall. The leaves are trifoliate, the leaflets 1–3 centimetres long, narrow elliptic, coated with fine silky, silvery hairs. The strongly scented flowers are yellow, 1–2 centimetres long, produced in racemes 5–11 centimetres long. The flowers appear in late winter or early spring. The fruit is a pod 2–3 centimetres long.


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